While you might find some individual tutorials still useful, this book should no longer be used as a general guide for learning Blender. Version compatibility: Blender is under continuous development, and most of the following tutorials do not apply to the current version of Blender. You can download Blender from the Blender Foundation's website more detailed instructions are in the first module. In order to do this, you'll need access to a computer with Blender installed. While you can learn simply by reading the book, you'll get more out of the tutorials if you follow along. User forums, such as the Blender Artists Forum.The Blender Wiki for technical documentation.Other Blender-related Wikibooks on topics such as scripting and creating games.This book is intended to be used in conjunction with other on-line resources that complement it: Its purpose is to teach people how to create three-dimensional computer graphics using Blender, a free software application. 4.4 Unit 4: Taking Off with Advanced Tutorialsīlender 3D: Noob to Pro is a product of shared effort by numerous team members and anonymous editors.